# Define SciTE settings for NSIS. # contributed by Angelo Mandato <angelo at spaceblue dot com> # Updated for NSIS v.2.02 / 2004-10-25 by flizebogen <flizebogen at gmx dot de> # Updated /2004-28-2 by Robert Roessler <robertr at rftp dot com> # Updated for NSIS v.2.05 and latest lexer / 2005-3-10 by Angelo Mandato <angelo at spaceblue dot com> filter.nsis=NSIS (nsi nsh)|*.nsi;*.nsh| file.patterns.nsis=*.nsi;*.nsh lexer.$(file.patterns.nsis)=nsis # Advanced settings nsis.uservars=1 #nsis.ignorecase=1 # Note: keywords below must all be lowercase in order for ignorecase=1 to function correctly # Functions: keywords.$(file.patterns.nsis)=!addincludedir !addplugindir MakeNSIS Portions \ Contributors: Abort AddBrandingImage AddSize AutoCloseWindow BGFont \ BGGradient BrandingText BringToFront Call CallInstDLL Caption ChangeUI \ ClearErrors ComponentText GetDLLVersion GetDLLVersionLocal GetFileTime \ GetFileTimeLocal CopyFiles CRCCheck CreateDirectory CreateFont CreateShortCut \ SetDatablockOptimize DeleteINISec DeleteINIStr DeleteRegKey DeleteRegValue \ Delete DetailPrint DirText DirShow DirVar DirVerify GetInstDirError AllowRootDirInstall \ CheckBitmap EnableWindow EnumRegKey EnumRegValue Exch Exec ExecWait \ ExecShell ExpandEnvStrings FindWindow FindClose FindFirst FindNext File FileBufSize \ FlushINI ReserveFile FileClose FileErrorText FileOpen FileRead FileWrite FileReadByte \ FileWriteByte FileSeek Function FunctionEnd GetDlgItem GetFullPathName \ GetTempFileName HideWindow Icon IfAbort IfErrors IfFileExists IfRebootFlag IfSilent \ InstallDirRegKey InstallColors InstallDir InstProgressFlags InstType IntOp IntCmp \ IntCmpU IntFmt IsWindow Goto LangString LangStringUP LicenseData \ LicenseForceSelection LicenseLangString LicenseText LicenseBkColor \ LoadLanguageFile LogSet LogText MessageBox Nop Name OutFile Page \ PageCallbacks PageEx PageExEnd Pop Push Quit ReadINIStr ReadRegDWORD \ ReadRegStr ReadEnvStr Reboot RegDLL Rename Return RMDir Section SectionEnd \ SectionIn SubSection SectionGroup SubSectionEnd SectionGroupEnd SearchPath \ SectionSetFlags SectionGetFlags SectionSetInstTypes SectionGetInstTypes \ SectionGetText SectionSetText SectionGetSize SectionSetSize GetCurInstType \ SetCurInstType InstTypeSetText InstTypeGetText SendMessage SetAutoClose \ SetCtlColors SetBrandingImage SetCompress SetCompressor SetCompressorDictSize \ SetCompressionLevel SetDateSave SetDetailsView SetDetailsPrint SetErrors \ SetErrorLevel GetErrorLevel SetFileAttributes SetFont SetOutPath SetOverwrite \ SetPluginUnload SetRebootFlag SetShellVarContext SetSilent ShowInstDetails \ ShowUninstDetails ShowWindow SilentInstall SilentUnInstall Sleep StrCmp StrCpy \ StrLen SubCaption UninstallExeName UninstallCaption UninstallIcon UninstPage \ UninstallText UninstallSubCaption UnRegDLL WindowIcon WriteINIStr WriteRegBin \ WriteRegDWORD WriteRegStr WriteRegExpandStr WriteUninstaller XPStyle !packhdr \ !system !execute !AddIncludeDir !include !cd !ifdef !ifndef !endif !define !undef !else !echo !warning \ !error !verbose !macro !macroend !insertmacro !ifmacrodef !ifmacrondef MiscButtonText \ DetailsButtonText UninstallButtonText InstallButtonText SpaceTexts \ CompletedText GetFunctionAddress GetLabelAddress GetCurrentAddress \ !AddPluginDir InitPluginsDir AllowSkipFiles Var VIAddVersionKey VIProductVersion LockWindow # Variables: keywords2.$(file.patterns.nsis)=$0 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 \ $R0 $R1 $R2 $R3 $R4 $R5 $R6 $R7 $R8 $R9 $\t $\" $\' $\` \ $VARNAME $0, $INSTDIR $OUTDIR $CMDLINE $LANGUAGE $PROGRAMFILES \ $COMMONFILES $DESKTOP $EXEDIR ${NSISDIR} $WINDIR $SYSDIR $TEMP \ $STARTMENU $SMPROGRAMS $SMSTARTUP $QUICKLAUNCH $DOCUMENTS \ $SENDTO $RECENT $FAVORITES $MUSIC $PICTURES $VIDEOS $NETHOOD \ $FONTS $TEMPLATES $APPDATA $PRINTHOOD $INTERNET_CACHE $COOKIES \ $HISTORY $PROFILE $ADMINTOOLS $RESOURCES $RESOURCES_LOCALIZED \ $CDBURN_AREA $HWNDPARENT $PLUGINSDIR $$ $\r $\n # Labels: keywords3.$(file.patterns.nsis)=ARCHIVE FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN \ FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL FILE_ATTRIBUTE_OFFLINE FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY \ FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY HIDDEN HKCC HKCR HKCU \ HKDD HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG HKEY_CURRENT_USER HKEY_DYN_DATA \ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA HKEY_USERS HKLM HKPD HKU IDABORT \ IDCANCEL IDIGNORE IDNO IDOK IDRETRY IDYES MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE MB_DEFBUTTON1 \ MB_DEFBUTTON2 MB_DEFBUTTON3 MB_DEFBUTTON4 MB_ICONEXCLAMATION \ MB_ICONINFORMATION MB_ICONQUESTION MB_ICONSTOP MB_OK MB_OKCANCEL \ MB_RETRYCANCEL MB_RIGHT MB_SETFOREGROUND MB_TOPMOST MB_YESNO \ MB_YESNOCANCEL NORMAL OFFLINE READONLY SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED SW_SHOWMINIMIZED \ SW_SHOWNORMAL SYSTEM TEMPORARY auto colored false force hide ifnewer nevershow \ normal off on show silent silentlog smooth true try lzma zlib bzip2 none listonly textonly \ both top left bottom right license components directory instfiles uninstConfirm custom \ all leave current ifdiff lastused LEFT RIGHT CENTER dlg_id ALT CONTROL EXT SHIFT \ open print manual alwaysoff #User defined: #keywords4.$(file.patterns.nsis)=MyFunction MySomethingElse # Whitespace (SCE_NSIS_DEFAULT) style.nsis.0=fore:#000000,$(font.base) # Comment (SCE_NSIS_COMMENT) style.nsis.1=fore:#007F00,$(font.comment) # String double quote (SCE_NSIS_STRINGDQ) style.nsis.2=fore:#999999,back:#EEEEEE # String left quote (SCE_NSIS_STRINGLQ) style.nsis.3=fore:#999999,back:#EEEEEE # String right quote (SCE_NSIS_STRINGRQ) style.nsis.4=fore:#999999,back:#EEEEEE # Function (SCE_NSIS_FUNCTION) style.nsis.5=fore:#00007F,bold #style.nsis.5=fore:#0033CC,bold # Variable (SCE_NSIS_VARIABLE) style.nsis.6=fore:#CC3300 # Label (SCE_NSIS_LABEL) style.nsis.7=fore:#FF9900 # User Defined (SCE_NSIS_USERDEFINED) style.nsis.8=fore:#000000 # Section (SCE_NSIS_SECTIONDEF) style.nsis.9=fore:#00007F,bold # Sub section (SCE_NSIS_SUBSECTIONDEF) style.nsis.10=fore:#00007F,bold # If def (SCE_NSIS_IFDEFINEDEF) style.nsis.11=fore:#00007F,bold # Macro def (SCE_NSIS_MACRODEF) style.nsis.12=fore:#00007F,bold # Variable within string (SCE_NSIS_STRINGVAR) style.nsis.13=fore:#CC3300,back:#EEEEEE # Numbers (SCE_NSIS_NUMBER) style.nsis.14=fore:#007F7F # Section Group SCE_NSIS_SECTIONGROUP) style.nsis.15=fore:#00007F,bold # Page Ex SCE_NSIS_PAGEEX) style.nsis.16=fore:#00007F,bold # Function Definition SCE_NSIS_FUNCTIONDEF) style.nsis.17=fore:#00007F,bold # Comment Box SCE_NSIS_COMMENTBOX) style.nsis.18=fore:#007F00,$(font.comment),bold # compiling/building simply checks for the correct symantics.... command.compile.$(file.patterns.nsis)=c:/program files/nsis/makensis.exe "$(FilePath)" command.build.$(file.patterns.nsis)=c:/program files/nsis/makensis.exe "$(FilePath)" command.go.$(file.patterns.nsis)=$(FileName).exe command.help.$(file.patterns.nsis)=$(CurrentWord)!C:\Program files\NSIS\NSIS.chm command.help.subsystem.$(file.patterns.nsis)=4 comment.block.nsis=; comment.block.at.line.start.nsis=1 comment.stream.start.nsis=/* comment.stream.end.nsis=*/ comment.box.start.nsis=/* comment.box.middle.nsis=; comment.box.end.nsis=*/