# Define SciTE settings for HTML files. # vxml added by lseredi # tpl is X and Mail specific file.patterns.web=*.html;*.htm;*.asp;*.shtml;*.htd;*.jsp file.patterns.php=*.php3;*.phtml;*.php file.patterns.html=$(file.patterns.web);$(file.patterns.php);*.htt;*.cfm;*.tpl;*.dtd;*.hta file.patterns.vxml=*.vxml file.patterns.xml=*.xml;*.xsl;*.svg;*.xul;*.xsd;*.dtd;*.xslt;*.axl;*.xrc;*.rdf file.patterns.docbook=*.docbook lexer.$(file.patterns.html)=hypertext lexer.$(file.patterns.vxml)=hypertext lexer.$(file.patterns.xml)=xml lexer.$(file.patterns.docbook)=hypertext filter.web=Web (html htm asp shtml css xml docbook jsp)|$(file.patterns.web);*.css;*.xml;*.docbook| filter.php=PHP (php php3 phtml)|$(file.patterns.php)| fold.html=1 #fold.html.preprocessor=0 #Default Language=1 for JS, 2 for VBS. #asp.default.language=2 #html.tags.case.sensitive=1 #xml.auto.close.tags=1 # All hypertext elements and attributes must be listed in lower case hypertext.elements=\ a abbr acronym address applet area b base basefont \ bdo big blockquote body br button caption center \ cite code col colgroup dd del dfn dir div dl dt em \ fieldset font form frame frameset h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 \ head hr html i iframe img input ins isindex kbd label \ legend li link map menu meta noframes noscript \ object ol optgroup option p param pre q s samp \ script select small span strike strong style sub sup \ table tbody td textarea tfoot th thead title tr tt u ul \ var xml xmlns hypertext.attributes=\ abbr accept-charset accept accesskey action align alink \ alt archive axis background bgcolor border \ cellpadding cellspacing char charoff charset checked cite \ class classid clear codebase codetype color cols colspan \ compact content coords \ data datafld dataformatas datapagesize datasrc datetime \ declare defer dir disabled enctype event \ face for frame frameborder \ headers height href hreflang hspace http-equiv \ id ismap label lang language leftmargin link longdesc \ marginwidth marginheight maxlength media method multiple \ name nohref noresize noshade nowrap \ object onblur onchange onclick ondblclick onfocus \ onkeydown onkeypress onkeyup onload onmousedown \ onmousemove onmouseover onmouseout onmouseup \ onreset onselect onsubmit onunload \ profile prompt readonly rel rev rows rowspan rules \ scheme scope selected shape size span src standby start style \ summary tabindex target text title topmargin type usemap \ valign value valuetype version vlink vspace width \ text password checkbox radio submit reset \ file hidden image # As defined in "Web Applications 1.0" Working Draft # http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/ html5.elements=\ article aside calendar canvas card command commandset datagrid datatree \ footer gauge header m menubar menulabel nav progress section switch tabbox html5.attributes=\ active command contenteditable ping keywordclass.hypertext=\ $(hypertext.elements) $(hypertext.attributes) $(html5.elements) $(html5.attributes) public !doctype vxml.elements=\ assign audio block break catch choice clear disconnect else elseif \ emphasis enumerate error exit field filled form goto grammar help \ if initial link log menu meta noinput nomatch object option p paragraph \ param phoneme prompt property prosody record reprompt return s say-as \ script sentence subdialog submit throw transfer value var voice vxml vxml.attributes=\ accept age alphabet anchor application base beep bridge category charset \ classid cond connecttimeout content contour count dest destexpr dtmf dtmfterm \ duration enctype event eventexpr expr expritem fetchtimeout finalsilence \ gender http-equiv id level maxage maxstale maxtime message messageexpr \ method mime modal mode name namelist next nextitem ph pitch range rate \ scope size sizeexpr skiplist slot src srcexpr sub time timeexpr timeout \ transferaudio type value variant version volume xml:lang keywordclass.vxml=\ $(vxml.elements) $(vxml.attributes) public !doctype # List from http://www.php.net/manual/en/reserved.php # For a list with functions http://www.scintilla.org/SciTEExtras.html # All words should be lower case to ensure case insensitivity when comparing keywordclass.php=\ and array as bool boolean break case cfunction class const continue declare \ default die directory do double echo else elseif empty enddeclare endfor \ endforeach endif endswitch endwhile eval exit extends false float for \ foreach function global if include include_once int integer isset list new \ null object old_function or parent print real require require_once resource \ return static stdclass string switch true unset use var while xor \ abstract catch clone exception final implements interface php_user_filter \ private protected public this throw try \ __class__ __file__ __function__ __line__ __method__ __sleep __wakeup # Override keywordclass.php with another file if present import phpfunctions keywords.$(file.patterns.html)=$(keywordclass.hypertext) # JavaScript keywords are possible inside embedded Javascript keywords2.$(file.patterns.html)=$(keywordclass.javascript) # VBScript keywords are possible inside embedded VBScript keywords3.$(file.patterns.html)=$(keywordclass.vb) # Python keywords are possible inside embedded Python keywords4.$(file.patterns.html)=$(keywordclass.python) # PHP keywords are possible inside embedded PHP keywords5.$(file.patterns.html)=$(keywordclass.php) # SGML / DTD keywords keywords6.$(file.patterns.html)=ELEMENT DOCTYPE ATTLIST ENTITY NOTATION # START DocBook docbook.elements42=\ abbrev abstract accel ackno acronym action address affiliation alt anchor \ answer appendix appendixinfo application area areaset areaspec arg article \ articleinfo artpagenums attribution audiodata audioobject author authorblurb \ authorgroup authorinitials beginpage bibliocoverage bibliodiv biblioentry \ bibliography bibliographyinfo biblioid bibliomisc bibliomixed bibliomset \ bibliorelation biblioset bibliosource blockinfo blockquote book bookinfo \ bridgehead callout calloutlist caption caution chapter chapterinfo citation \ citebiblioid citerefentry citetitle city classname classsynopsis classsynopsisinfo \ cmdsynopsis co collab collabname colophon colspec command computeroutput \ confdates confgroup confnum confsponsor conftitle constant constraint \ constraintdef constructorsynopsis contractnum contractsponsor contrib \ copyright coref corpauthor corpname country database date dedication \ destructorsynopsis edition editor email emphasis entry entrytbl envar \ epigraph equation errorcode errorname errortext errortype example \ exceptionname fax fieldsynopsis figure filename firstname firstterm \ footnote footnoteref foreignphrase formalpara funcdef funcparams \ funcprototype funcsynopsis funcsynopsisinfo function glossary glossaryinfo \ glossdef glossdiv glossentry glosslist glosssee glossseealso glossterm \ graphic graphicco group guibutton guiicon guilabel guimenu guimenuitem \ guisubmenu hardware highlights holder honorific htm imagedata imageobject \ imageobjectco important index indexdiv indexentry indexinfo indexterm \ informalequation informalexample informalfigure informaltable initializer \ inlineequation inlinegraphic inlinemediaobject interface interfacename \ invpartnumber isbn issn issuenum itemizedlist itermset jobtitle keycap \ keycode keycombo keysym keyword keywordset label legalnotice lhs lineage \ lineannotation link listitem iteral literallayout lot lotentry manvolnum \ markup medialabel mediaobject mediaobjectco member menuchoice methodname \ methodparam methodsynopsis mm modespec modifier ousebutton msg msgaud \ msgentry msgexplan msginfo msglevel msgmain msgorig msgrel msgset msgsub \ msgtext nonterminal note objectinfo olink ooclass ooexception oointerface \ option optional orderedlist orgdiv orgname otheraddr othercredit othername \ pagenums para paramdef parameter part partinfo partintro personblurb \ personname phone phrase pob postcode preface prefaceinfo primary primaryie \ printhistory procedure production productionrecap productionset productname \ productnumber programlisting programlistingco prompt property pubdate publisher \ publishername pubsnumber qandadiv qandaentry qandaset question quote refclass \ refdescriptor refentry refentryinfo refentrytitle reference referenceinfo \ refmeta refmiscinfo refname refnamediv refpurpose refsect1 refsect1info refsect2 \ refsect2info refsect3 refsect3info refsection refsectioninfo refsynopsisdiv \ refsynopsisdivinfo releaseinfo remark replaceable returnvalue revdescription \ revhistory revision revnumber revremark rhs row sbr screen screenco screeninfo \ screenshot secondary secondaryie sect1 sect1info sect2 sect2info sect3 sect3info \ sect4 sect4info sect5 sect5info section sectioninfo see seealso seealsoie \ seeie seg seglistitem segmentedlist segtitle seriesvolnums set setindex \ setindexinfo setinfo sgmltag shortaffil shortcut sidebar sidebarinfo simpara \ simplelist simplemsgentry simplesect spanspec state step street structfield \ structname subject subjectset subjectterm subscript substeps subtitle \ superscript surname sv symbol synopfragment synopfragmentref synopsis \ systemitem table tbody term tertiary tertiaryie textdata textobject tfoot \ tgroup thead tip title titleabbrev toc tocback tocchap tocentry tocfront \ toclevel1 toclevel2 toclevel3 toclevel4 toclevel5 tocpart token trademark \ type ulink userinput varargs variablelist varlistentry varname videodata \ videoobject void volumenum warning wordasword xref year docbook.attributes=\ arch condition conformance id lang os remap role revision revisionflag security \ userlevel vendor xreflabel \ status label endterm linkend space width keywordclass.docbook=\ $(docbook.elements42) $(docbook.attributes) keywords.$(file.patterns.docbook)=$(keywordclass.docbook) keywords6.$(file.patterns.docbook)=ELEMENT DOCTYPE ATTLIST ENTITY NOTATION # END DocBook word.characters.$(file.patterns.html)=$(chars.alpha)$(chars.numeric)_- comment.stream.start.hypertext= comment.block.hypertext=//~ # No keyword for xml, as it accepts any keyword keywords.$(file.patterns.xml)= # SGML / DTD keywords keywords6.$(file.patterns.xml)=ELEMENT DOCTYPE ATTLIST ENTITY NOTATION word.characters.$(file.patterns.xml)=$(chars.alpha)$(chars.numeric)_- keywords.$(file.patterns.vxml)=$(keywordclass.vxml) keywords2.$(file.patterns.vxml)=$(keywordclass.javascript) word.characters.$(file.patterns.vxml)=$(chars.alpha)$(chars.numeric)_- # HTML and XML share lexing code so use the same style numbers # Hypertext Markup Language # Text style.hypertext.0=fore:#000000,$(font.text) # Tags style.hypertext.1=fore:#000080 # Unknown Tags style.hypertext.2=fore:#FF0000 # Attributes style.hypertext.3=fore:#008080 # Unknown Attributes style.hypertext.4=fore:#FF0000 # Numbers style.hypertext.5=$(colour.number) # Double quoted strings style.hypertext.6=$(colour.string) # Single quoted strings style.hypertext.7=$(colour.string) # Other inside tag style.hypertext.8=fore:#800080 # Comment style.hypertext.9=fore:#808000,$(font.text.comment) # Entities style.hypertext.10=fore:#800080,$(font.text) # XML style tag ends '/>' style.hypertext.11=fore:#000080 # XML identifier start '' style.hypertext.13=fore:#0000FF # SCRIPT style.hypertext.14=fore:#000080 # ASP <% ... %> style.hypertext.15=back:#FFFF00 # ASP <% ... %> style.hypertext.16=back:#FFDF00 # CDATA style.hypertext.17=back:#FFDF00 # PHP style.hypertext.18=fore:#0000FF,back:#FFEFBF,bold # Unquoted values style.hypertext.19=fore:#FF00FF,back:#FFEFFF # JSP Comment <%-- ... --%> style.hypertext.20=fore:#000000,back:#FFFFD0 # SGML tags style.hypertext.21=fore:#000080,back:#EFEFFF # SGML command style.hypertext.22=fore:#000080,back:#EFEFFF,bold # SGML 1st param style.hypertext.23=fore:#006600,back:#EFEFFF # SGML double string style.hypertext.24=fore:#800000,back:#EFEFFF # SGML single string style.hypertext.25=fore:#993300,back:#EFEFFF # SGML error style.hypertext.26=fore:#800000,back:#FF6666 # SGML special (#xxxx type) style.hypertext.27=fore:#3366FF,back:#EFEFFF # SGML entity style.hypertext.28=fore:#333333,back:#EFEFFF # SGML comment style.hypertext.29=fore:#808000,back:#EFEFFF # SGML block style.hypertext.31=fore:#000066,back:#CCCCE0 # Some reasonable background colours found in the default Windows palette # Off White #FFFBF0 Light green #C0DCC0 Light Blue #A6CAF0 # Matched Operators style.hypertext.34=fore:#0000FF,bold,$(font.text) style.hypertext.35=fore:#FF0000,bold,$(font.text) # Embedded Javascript fontcolour.js=$(colour.embedded.js),$(font.js) # JS Start - allows eol filled background to not start on same line as SCRIPT tag style.hypertext.40=fore:#7F7F00 # JS Default style.hypertext.41=fore:#000000,bold,$(fontcolour.js),eolfilled # JS Comment style.hypertext.42=$(colour.code.comment.box),$(fontcolour.js),eolfilled # JS Line Comment style.hypertext.43=$(colour.code.comment.line),$(fontcolour.js) # JS Doc comment style.hypertext.44=$(colour.code.comment.doc),bold,$(fontcolour.js),eolfilled # JS Number style.hypertext.45=$(colour.number),$(fontcolour.js) # JS Word style.hypertext.46=fore:#000000,$(fontcolour.js) # JS Keyword style.hypertext.47=$(colour.keyword),bold,$(fontcolour.js) # JS Double quoted string style.hypertext.48=$(colour.string),$(fontcolour.js) # JS Single quoted string style.hypertext.49=$(colour.string),$(fontcolour.js) # JS Symbols style.hypertext.50=$(colour.operator),bold,$(fontcolour.js) # JavaScript EOL style.hypertext.51=back:#BFBBB0,eolfilled # JavaScript RegEx style.hypertext.52=back:#FFBBB0 # ASP Javascript # JS Start - allows eol filled background to not start on same line as SCRIPT tag style.hypertext.55=fore:#7F7F00 # JS Default style.hypertext.56=fore:#000000,bold,$(font.js),back:#DFDF7F,eolfilled # JS Comment style.hypertext.57=fore:#007F00,$(font.js),back:#DFDF7F,eolfilled # JS Line Comment style.hypertext.58=fore:#007F00,$(font.js),back:#DFDF7F # JS Doc comment style.hypertext.59=fore:#7F7F7F,bold,$(font.js),back:#DFDF7F,eolfilled # JS Number style.hypertext.60=fore:#007F7F,$(font.js),back:#DFDF7F # JS Word style.hypertext.61=fore:#000000,$(font.js),back:#DFDF7F # JS Keyword style.hypertext.62=fore:#00007F,bold,$(font.js),back:#DFDF7F # JS Double quoted string style.hypertext.63=fore:#7F007F,$(font.js),back:#DFDF7F # JS Single quoted string style.hypertext.64=fore:#7F007F,$(font.js),back:#DFDF7F # JS Symbols style.hypertext.65=fore:#000000,bold,$(font.js),back:#DFDF7F # JavaScript EOL style.hypertext.66=back:#BFBBB0,eolfilled # JavaScript RegEx style.hypertext.67=back:#FFBBB0 # Embedded VBS # Start style.hypertext.70= # Default style.hypertext.71=$(font.vbs),back:#EFEFFF,fore:#000000,eolfilled # Comment style.hypertext.72=$(font.comment),back:#EFEFFF,fore:#008000,eolfilled # Number style.hypertext.73=$(font.vbs),back:#EFEFFF,fore:#008080,eolfilled # KeyWord style.hypertext.74=$(font.vbs),back:#EFEFFF,fore:#000080,bold,eolfilled # String style.hypertext.75=$(font.vbs),back:#EFEFFF,fore:#800080,eolfilled # Identifier style.hypertext.76=$(font.vbs),back:#EFEFFF,fore:#000080,eolfilled # Unterminated string style.hypertext.77=$(font.vbs),back:#7F7FFF,fore:#000080,eolfilled # ASP VBS # Start style.hypertext.80= # Default style.hypertext.81=$(font.vbs),back:#CFCFEF,fore:#000000,eolfilled # Comment style.hypertext.82=$(font.comment),back:#CFCFEF,fore:#008000,eolfilled # Number style.hypertext.83=$(font.vbs),back:#CFCFEF,fore:#008080,eolfilled # KeyWord style.hypertext.84=$(font.vbs),back:#CFCFEF,fore:#000080,bold,eolfilled # String style.hypertext.85=$(font.vbs),back:#CFCFEF,fore:#800080,eolfilled # Identifier style.hypertext.86=$(font.vbs),back:#CFCFEF,fore:#000080,eolfilled # Unterminated string style.hypertext.87=$(font.vbs),back:#7F7FBF,fore:#000080,eolfilled # Embedded Python style.hypertext.90=fore:#808080 style.hypertext.91=fore:#808080,back:#EFFFEF,eolfilled # Comment style.hypertext.92=fore:#007F00,$(font.comment),back:#EFFFEF,eolfilled # Number style.hypertext.93=fore:#007F7F,back:#EFFFEF,eolfilled # String style.hypertext.94=fore:#7F007F,$(font.monospace),back:#EFFFEF,eolfilled # Single quoted string style.hypertext.95=fore:#7F007F,$(font.monospace),back:#EFFFEF,eolfilled # Keyword style.hypertext.96=fore:#00007F,bold,back:#EFFFEF,eolfilled # Triple quotes style.hypertext.97=fore:#7F0000,back:#EFFFEF,eolfilled # Triple double quotes style.hypertext.98=fore:#7F0000,back:#EFFFEF,eolfilled # Class name definition style.hypertext.99=fore:#0000FF,bold,back:#EFFFEF,eolfilled # Function or method name definition style.hypertext.100=fore:#007F7F,bold,back:#EFFFEF,eolfilled # Operators style.hypertext.101=bold,back:#EFFFEF,eolfilled # Identifiers style.hypertext.102=back:#EFFFEF,eolfilled # PHP complex variable style.hypertext.104=fore:#00007F,italics,back:#FFF8F8 # ASP Python style.hypertext.105=fore:#808080 style.hypertext.106=fore:#808080,back:#CFEFCF,eolfilled # Comment style.hypertext.107=fore:#007F00,$(font.comment),back:#CFEFCF,eolfilled # Number style.hypertext.108=fore:#007F7F,back:#CFEFCF,eolfilled # String style.hypertext.109=fore:#7F007F,$(font.monospace),back:#CFEFCF,eolfilled # Single quoted string style.hypertext.110=fore:#7F007F,$(font.monospace),back:#CFEFCF,eolfilled # Keyword style.hypertext.111=fore:#00007F,bold,back:#CFEFCF,eolfilled # Triple quotes style.hypertext.112=fore:#7F0000,back:#CFEFCF,eolfilled # Triple double quotes style.hypertext.113=fore:#7F0000,back:#CFEFCF,eolfilled # Class name definition style.hypertext.114=fore:#0000FF,bold,back:#CFEFCF,eolfilled # Function or method name definition style.hypertext.115=fore:#007F7F,bold,back:#CFEFCF,eolfilled # Operators style.hypertext.116=bold,back:#CFEFCF,eolfilled # Identifiers style.hypertext.117=back:#CFEFCF,eolfilled # PHP # Default style.hypertext.118=fore:#000033,back:#FFFFFF,eolfilled # Double quoted String style.hypertext.119=fore:#0000FF,$(font.monospace) # Single quoted string style.hypertext.120=fore:#0000FF,back:#F9F9F9,$(font.monospace) # Keyword style.hypertext.121=$(colour.keyword),bold # Number style.hypertext.122=$(colour.number) # Variable style.hypertext.123=fore:#00007F,back:#FFF8F8 # Comment style.hypertext.124=$(colour.code.comment.box),$(font.code.comment.box) # One line comment style.hypertext.125=$(colour.code.comment.box),$(font.code.comment.box) # PHP variable in double quoted string style.hypertext.126=fore:#00007F,back:#FFF8F8 # PHP operator style.hypertext.127=fore:#000000,back:#FFFFFF,bold # XML: eXtensible Markup Language # For XML, there is no list of known tags or attributes so all are coloured known # Default style.xml.0=fore:#000000,$(font.text) # Tags style.xml.1=fore:#000080 # Unknown Tags style.xml.2=fore:#000080 # Attributes style.xml.3=fore:#008080 # Unknown Attributes style.xml.4=fore:#008080 # Numbers style.xml.5=$(colour.number) # Double quoted strings style.xml.6=$(colour.string) # Single quoted strings style.xml.7=$(colour.string) # Other inside tag style.xml.8=fore:#800080 # Comment style.xml.9=fore:#808000 # Entities style.xml.10=fore:#800080,$(font.text) # XML style tag ends '/>' style.xml.11=fore:#000080 # XML identifier start '' style.xml.13=fore:#800080,bold # CDATA style.xml.17=fore:#800000,back:#FFF0F0,$(font.text),eolfilled # Question style.xml.18=fore:#800000 # Unquoted Value style.xml.19=fore:#608060 # SGML tags style.xml.21=fore:#000080,back:#EFEFFF # SGML command style.xml.22=fore:#000080,back:#EFEFFF,bold # SGML 1st param style.xml.23=fore:#006600,back:#EFEFFF # SGML double string style.xml.24=fore:#800000,back:#EFEFFF # SGML single string style.xml.25=fore:#993300,back:#EFEFFF # SGML error style.xml.26=fore:#800000,back:#FF6666 # SGML special (#xxxx type) style.xml.27=fore:#3366FF,back:#EFEFFF # SGML entity style.xml.28=fore:#333333,back:#EFEFFF # SGML comment style.xml.29=fore:#808000,back:#EFEFFF # SGML block style.xml.31=fore:#000066,back:#CCCCE0 # No brace matching in XML braces.xml.style=31 if PLAT_WIN command.go.$(file.patterns.web)="file://$(FilePath)" command.go.subsystem.$(file.patterns.web)=2 command.go.$(file.patterns.php)=I:\PHP5\php.exe -q $(FileNameExt) command.build.$(file.patterns.php)=I:\PHP5\php.exe -l $(FileNameExt) if PLAT_GTK command.go.$(file.patterns.web)=netscape "file://$(FilePath)" command.go.$(file.patterns.php)=php -f "$(FileNameExt)" command.compile.$(file.patterns.php)=php -l "$(FileNameExt)"