# Define SciTE settings for C++, C, C#, Ch, Java, IDL, JavaScript, Flash (ActionScript 2) files. # sma files are Small script (C-like) file.patterns.cpp=*.c;*.cc;*.cpp;*.cxx;*.h;*.hh;*.hpp;*.hxx;*.sma file.patterns.cplusplus=*.cc;*.cpp;*.cxx # pln, inc and t are SilkTest (4Test) files. file.patterns.test=*.pln;*.inc;*.t file.patterns.cs=*.cs file.patterns.rc=*.rc;*.rc2;*.dlg file.patterns.idl=*.idl;*.odl file.patterns.flash=*.as;*.asc;*.jsfl file.patterns.ch=*.ch;*.chf;*.chs file.patterns.c.like=$(file.patterns.cpp);$(file.patterns.cs);$(file.patterns.idl);*.java;$(file.patterns.flash);$(file.patterns.ch) filter.cpp=C/C++ (c cc cpp cxx cs h hh hxx hpp dlg rc rc2 mak)|\ $(file.patterns.cpp);$(file.patterns.cs);$(file.patterns.rc);*.mak;make*| filter.java=Java (java)|*.java| filter.js=JavaScript (js)|*.js| filter.idl=IDL (idl odl)|$(file.patterns.idl)| filter.test=SilkTest (pln inc t)|$(file.patterns.test)| filter.flash=Flash (as asc jsfl)|$(file.patterns.flash)| filter.ch=Ch (ch chf chs)|$(file.patterns.ch)| lexer.*.java=cpp lexer.$(file.patterns.cpp)=cpp lexer.$(file.patterns.rc)=cpp lexer.$(file.patterns.idl)=cpp lexer.$(file.patterns.cs)=cpp lexer.*.js=cpp lexer.$(file.patterns.test)=cpp lexer.$(file.patterns.flash)=cpp lexer.$(file.patterns.ch)=cpp keywordclass.cpp=and and_eq asm auto bitand bitor bool break \ case catch char class compl const const_cast continue \ default delete do double dynamic_cast else enum explicit export extern false float for \ friend goto if inline int long mutable namespace new not not_eq \ operator or or_eq private protected public \ register reinterpret_cast return short signed sizeof static static_cast struct switch \ template this throw true try typedef typeid typename union unsigned using \ virtual void volatile wchar_t while xor xor_eq keywords.$(file.patterns.cpp)=$(keywordclass.cpp) # keywords2 is for highlighting user defined keywords or function calls or similar #keywords2.$(file.patterns.cpp)=file # keywords3 is for doc comment keywords, highlighted in style 17 #CPP doxygen keywords3.$(file.patterns.cpp)=a addindex addtogroup anchor arg attention \ author b brief bug c class code date def defgroup deprecated dontinclude \ e em endcode endhtmlonly endif endlatexonly endlink endverbatim enum example exception \ f$ f[ f] file fn hideinitializer htmlinclude htmlonly \ if image include ingroup internal invariant interface latexonly li line link \ mainpage name namespace nosubgrouping note overload \ p page par param param[in] param[out] \ post pre ref relates remarks return retval \ sa section see showinitializer since skip skipline struct subsection \ test throw todo typedef union until \ var verbatim verbinclude version warning weakgroup $ @ \ & < > # { } word.chars.cxx=$(chars.alpha)$(chars.numeric)_# word.characters.$(file.patterns.cpp)=$(word.chars.cxx) word.characters.$(file.patterns.cs)=$(word.chars.cxx) calltip.cpp.word.characters=$(chars.alpha)$(chars.numeric)_ comment.block.cpp=//~ #comment.block.at.line.start.cpp=1 comment.stream.start.cpp=/* comment.stream.end.cpp=*/ comment.box.start.cpp=/* comment.box.middle.cpp= * comment.box.end.cpp= */ #fold.at.else=1 file.patterns.c.except.cpp=$(file.patterns.cs);$(file.patterns.idl);*.java;$(file.patterns.flash);$(file.patterns.ch) statement.indent.$(file.patterns.c.except.cpp)=5 case default do else for if while statement.indent.$(file.patterns.cpp)=5 case default do else for if private protected public while statement.end.$(file.patterns.c.like)=10 ; statement.lookback.$(file.patterns.c.like)=20 block.start.$(file.patterns.c.like)=10 { block.end.$(file.patterns.c.like)=10 } #autocomplete.cpp.fillups=( #styling.within.preprocessor=1 preprocessor.symbol.$(file.patterns.cpp)=# preprocessor.start.$(file.patterns.cpp)=if ifdef ifndef preprocessor.middle.$(file.patterns.cpp)=else elif preprocessor.end.$(file.patterns.cpp)=endif preprocessor.symbol.$(file.patterns.cs)=# preprocessor.start.$(file.patterns.cs)=if region preprocessor.middle.$(file.patterns.cs)=else elif preprocessor.end.$(file.patterns.cs)=endif endregion keywordclass.ch=\ auto array bool break case char class complex ComplexInf ComplexNaN \ const continue default delete \ do double else enum export extern float for foreach goto if Inf inline int \ long namespace NaN new NULL private public register restrict return short \ signed sizeof static string_t struct switch this typedef union unsigned \ using void volatile wchar_t while __declspec keywords.$(file.patterns.ch)=$(keywordclass.ch) word.chars.ch=$(chars.alpha)$(chars.numeric)_# word.characters.$(file.patterns.ch)=$(word.chars.cxx) comment.block.ch=//~ #comment.block.at.line.start.ch=1 comment.stream.start.ch=/* comment.stream.end.ch=*/ comment.box.start.ch=/* comment.box.middle.ch= * comment.box.end.ch= */ preprocessor.symbol.$(file.patterns.ch)=# preprocessor.start.$(file.patterns.ch)=if ifdef ifndef preprocessor.middle.$(file.patterns.ch)=else elif preprocessor.end.$(file.patterns.ch)=endif keywordclass.cs=abstract as base bool break byte case catch char checked class \ const continue decimal default delegate do double else enum \ event explicit extern false finally fixed float for foreach goto if \ implicit in int interface internal is lock long namespace new null \ object operator out override params private protected public \ readonly ref return sbyte sealed short sizeof stackalloc static \ string struct switch this throw true try typeof uint ulong \ unchecked unsafe ushort using virtual void while keywords.$(file.patterns.cs)=$(keywordclass.cs) word.characters.$(file.patterns.cs)=$(word.chars.cxx) keywordclass.rc=\ ACCELERATORS ALT AUTO3STATE AUTOCHECKBOX AUTORADIOBUTTON \ BEGIN BITMAP BLOCK BUTTON CAPTION CHARACTERISTICS CHECKBOX CLASS \ COMBOBOX CONTROL CTEXT CURSOR DEFPUSHBUTTON DIALOG DIALOGEX DISCARDABLE \ EDITTEXT END EXSTYLE FONT GROUPBOX ICON LANGUAGE LISTBOX LTEXT \ MENU MENUEX MENUITEM MESSAGETABLE POPUP \ PUSHBUTTON RADIOBUTTON RCDATA RTEXT SCROLLBAR SEPARATOR SHIFT STATE3 \ STRINGTABLE STYLE TEXTINCLUDE VALUE VERSION VERSIONINFO VIRTKEY keywords.$(file.patterns.rc)=$(keywordclass.rc) keywordclass.idl=\ aggregatable allocate appobject arrays async async_uuid \ auto_handle \ bindable boolean broadcast byte byte_count \ call_as callback char coclass code comm_status \ const context_handle context_handle_noserialize \ context_handle_serialize control cpp_quote custom \ decode default defaultbind defaultcollelem \ defaultvalue defaultvtable dispinterface displaybind dllname \ double dual \ enable_allocate encode endpoint entry enum error_status_t \ explicit_handle \ fault_status first_is float \ handle_t heap helpcontext helpfile helpstring \ helpstringcontext helpstringdll hidden hyper \ id idempotent ignore iid_as iid_is immediatebind implicit_handle \ import importlib in include in_line int __int64 __int3264 interface \ last_is lcid length_is library licensed local long \ max_is maybe message methods midl_pragma \ midl_user_allocate midl_user_free min_is module ms_union \ ncacn_at_dsp ncacn_dnet_nsp ncacn_http ncacn_ip_tcp \ ncacn_nb_ipx ncacn_nb_nb ncacn_nb_tcp ncacn_np \ ncacn_spx ncacn_vns_spp ncadg_ip_udp ncadg_ipx ncadg_mq \ ncalrpc nocode nonbrowsable noncreatable nonextensible notify \ object odl oleautomation optimize optional out out_of_line \ pipe pointer_default pragma properties propget propput propputref \ ptr public \ range readonly ref represent_as requestedit restricted retval \ shape short signed size_is small source strict_context_handle \ string struct switch switch_is switch_type \ transmit_as typedef \ uidefault union unique unsigned user_marshal usesgetlasterror uuid \ v1_enum vararg version void wchar_t wire_marshal keywordclass.msidl=handle keywordclass.xpidl=attribute native noscript scriptable shared wstring inout keywords.$(file.patterns.idl)=$(keywordclass.idl) $(keywordclass.xpidl) keywordclass.java=abstract assert boolean break byte case catch char class \ const continue default do double else extends final finally float for future \ generic goto if implements import inner instanceof int interface long \ native new null outer package private protected public rest \ return short static super switch synchronized this throw throws \ transient try var void volatile while keywords.*.java=$(keywordclass.java) keywordclass.javascript=abstract boolean break byte case catch char class \ const continue debugger default delete do double else enum export extends \ final finally float for function goto if implements import in instanceof \ int interface long native new package private protected public \ return short static super switch synchronized this throw throws \ transient try typeof var void volatile while with keywords.*.js=$(keywordclass.javascript) keywordclass.flash=add and break case catch class continue default delete do \ dynamic else eq extends false finally for function ge get gt if implements import in \ instanceof interface intrinsic le lt ne new not null or private public return \ set static super switch this throw true try typeof undefined var void while with keywordclass2.flash=Array Arguments Accessibility Boolean Button Camera Color \ ContextMenu ContextMenuItem Date Error Function Key LoadVars LocalConnection Math \ Microphone Mouse MovieClip MovieClipLoader NetConnection NetStream Number Object \ PrintJob Selection SharedObject Sound Stage String StyleSheet System TextField \ TextFormat TextSnapshot Video Void XML XMLNode XMLSocket \ _accProps _focusrect _global _highquality _parent _quality _root _soundbuftime \ arguments asfunction call capabilities chr clearInterval duplicateMovieClip \ escape eval fscommand getProperty getTimer getURL getVersion gotoAndPlay gotoAndStop \ ifFrameLoaded Infinity -Infinity int isFinite isNaN length loadMovie loadMovieNum \ loadVariables loadVariablesNum maxscroll mbchr mblength mbord mbsubstring MMExecute \ NaN newline nextFrame nextScene on onClipEvent onUpdate ord parseFloat parseInt play \ prevFrame prevScene print printAsBitmap printAsBitmapNum printNum random removeMovieClip \ scroll set setInterval setProperty startDrag stop stopAllSounds stopDrag substring \ targetPath tellTarget toggleHighQuality trace unescape unloadMovie unLoadMovieNum updateAfterEvent keywords.$(file.patterns.flash)=$(keywordclass.flash) keywords2.$(file.patterns.flash)=$(keywordclass2.flash) # C++ styles # Default style.cpp.32=$(font.base) # White space style.cpp.0=fore:#808080 # Comment: /* */. style.cpp.1=$(colour.code.comment.box),$(font.code.comment.box) # Line Comment: //. style.cpp.2=$(colour.code.comment.line),$(font.code.comment.line) # Doc comment: block comments beginning with /** or /*! style.cpp.3=$(colour.code.comment.doc),$(font.code.comment.doc) # Number style.cpp.4=$(colour.number) # Keyword style.cpp.5=$(colour.keyword),bold # Double quoted string style.cpp.6=$(colour.string) # Single quoted string style.cpp.7=$(colour.char) # UUIDs (only in IDL) style.cpp.8=fore:#804080 # Preprocessor style.cpp.9=$(colour.preproc) # Operators style.cpp.10=$(colour.operator),bold # Identifiers style.cpp.11= # End of line where string is not closed style.cpp.12=fore:#000000,$(font.monospace),back:#E0C0E0,eolfilled # Verbatim strings for C# style.cpp.13=fore:#007F00,$(font.monospace),back:#E0FFE0,eolfilled # Regular expressions for JavaScript style.cpp.14=fore:#3F7F3F,$(font.monospace),back:#E0F0FF,eolfilled # Doc Comment Line: line comments beginning with /// or //!. style.cpp.15=$(colour.code.comment.doc),$(font.code.comment.doc) # Keywords2 style.cpp.16=fore:#B00040 # Comment keyword style.cpp.17=fore:#3060A0,$(font.code.comment.doc) # Comment keyword error style.cpp.18=fore:#804020,$(font.code.comment.doc) # Braces are only matched in operator style braces.cpp.style=10 ccopts=-pedantic -Os cc=g++ $(ccopts) -c $(FileNameExt) -o $(FileName).o ccc=gcc $(ccopts) -c $(FileNameExt) -o $(FileName).o make.command=make command.compile.*.c=$(ccc) -std=c99 command.build.*.c=$(make.command) command.go.*.c=$(FileName) # To make the Go command both compile (if needed) and execute, use this setting: #command.go.needs.*.c=gcc $(ccopts) -std=c99 $(FileNameExt) -o $(FileName) command.compile.$(file.patterns.cplusplus)=$(cc) command.build.$(file.patterns.cplusplus)=$(make.command) command.go.$(file.patterns.cplusplus)=./$(FileName) command.go.needs.$(file.patterns.cplusplus)=g++ $(ccopts) $(FileNameExt) -o $(FileName) command.build.*.h=$(make.command) command.name.0.$(file.patterns.cpp)=Indent command.0.$(file.patterns.cpp)=astyle -tapOK -M8 $(FileNameExt) command.is.filter.0.$(file.patterns.cpp)=1 command.name.1.$(file.patterns.cplusplus)=Lint command.1.$(file.patterns.cplusplus)=g++ -W -Wall -Wshadow -Wwrite-strings -Wold-style-cast \ -Woverloaded-virtual -pedantic -Os -fno-exceptions -c $(FileNameExt) if PLAT_WIN command.compile.*.rc=windres $(FileNameExt) $(FileName).o command.build.*.rc=$(make.command) command.help.$(file.patterns.cpp)=$(CurrentWord)!G:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\MSDN98\98VSa\1033\MSDNVS6A.COL command.help.subsystem.$(file.patterns.cpp)=4 command.go.*.js=cscript /nologo $(FileNameExt) # When maintaining old Win16 programs... # command.help.$(file.patterns.cpp)=$(CurrentWord)!I:\msvc\help\win31wh.hlp # command.help.subsystem.$(file.patterns.cpp)=5 if PLAT_GTK command.help.$(file.patterns.cpp)=man $(CurrentWord) | col -b if PLAT_WIN command.build.*.cs=csc /t:winexe $(FileNameExt) /r:system.dll,system.drawing.dll command.go.*.cs=$(FileName) command.go.subsystem.*.cs=1 if PLAT_GTK command.build.*.cs=mcs /t:winexe $(FileNameExt) /r:System,System.Drawing command.go.*.cs=mono $(FileName).exe command.go.subsystem.*.cs=1 command.compile.*.java=javac $(FileNameExt) command.build.*.java=javac *.java command.go.*.java=java $(FileName) command.compile.*.ch=ch -n $(FileNameExt) command.build.*.ch=ch -n $(FileNameExt) command.go.*.ch=ch -u $(FileNameExt) command.compile.*.as=mtasc -strict $(FileNameExt) command.build.*.as=mtasc -strict *.as